Young people are often unconcerned with political issue. 青年人对政治问题往往漠不关心。
From the start, he was active in drawing public attention to that political issue. 他从一开始就积极地使公众注意那个政治问题。
Japan's stagnant economy is the dominant political issue right now, and the country's two previous prime ministers resigned abruptly over perceived mishandling of economic affairs. 日本停滞的经济是目前主导性的政治问题,两位前任首相据说是因为处理经济问题不当而突然辞职。
That said, the war is clearly receding as a political issue, just as concerns about recession are growing. 尽管如此,同日益增长的对衰退的忧虑相比,伊战作为一项政治议题就显得不是那么重要了。
The story ends by stating:'as the mid-term election is coming up in fall we cannot rule out a possibility that Toyota's quality issue is going to become a political issue. 这篇报导在结尾强调:由于今年秋季的美国中期选举日益临近,我们不能排除丰田的质量问题演变为政治问题的可能。
In a city suffering from worsening inequality, sky-high home prices are a key political issue. 在一个不平等程度日益加深的城市,房价高企是一个关键的政治问题。
WASHINGTON& Even before Ronald Reagan became the oldest elected president, his mental state was a political issue. 华盛顿&早在罗纳德·里根(RONALDREAGAN)成为美国年纪最大的当选总统之前,他的精神状态就已经是一个政治问题了。
To what extent will migration from the developing world to the developed world become a social and political issue in the21st century? 在21世纪,开发中世界的人往已开发国家移民,是不是造成社会和政治方面的问题?
But appropriate control of innovation is a political issue, not a scientific one. 但是对创新进行适当的控制是一个政治问题而不是科学问题。
Rising fuel prices, driven by tensions with Iran, have become a big political issue in the US and raised concerns that the economic recovery could be derailed. 受伊朗紧张局势的影响,燃油价格不断上涨,这已成为美国一大政治议题,同时让人担心经济复苏可能脱轨。
I just don't see that these reforms need to turn into a party political issue. 我觉的这些改革不应该受到党派之争的影响。
Because I know that this is a political issue. 因为我知道这是一个政治问题。
Both legal and illegal immigrants have continued to flock to the usa, adding to the problems of society and becoming a controversial political issue. 不管是非法移民还是合法移民都潮水般涌入美国,加剧了社会问题,也成为政治争端的中心问题。
According to opinion polls, there is diminishing support for the war among the American public and Iraq has become a major political issue before next month's congressional elections in the United states. 根据民意调查,美国公众对于战争有着持续降低的支持,并且,在下个月国会选举之前,伊拉克已经成为主要的政治议题。
"We need to solve the climate crisis. it's not a political issue; it's a moral issue." “我们需要解决气候危机。这不是一个政治问题,而是一个道德问题。”
This delicate political issue must be handled gingerly. 处理这个微妙的政治问题必须慎之又慎。
It is a very sensitive political issue in India, and it may take a new government more time to negotiate with the different parties and agree the changes that are required to open up and develop the retail sector. 这在印度是一个非常敏感的政治问题,新政府可能需要更多的时间与各方交涉,就开放及发展零售业市场所需的改变达成一致意见。
The opinion poll found that law and order is the most important political issue for voters and education is the next most important. 民意测验表明法律和秩序是对选民最重要的政治问题,教育仅次之。
And this is also a political issue. 这也是一个政策性的问题。
Unemployment has become the most explosive political issue. 失业问题已成了最具爆炸性的政治问题。
The added complication for the government is that house prices have become a sensitive political issue. 让政府面临的情况变得更为复杂的是,房价已经变成了一个敏感的政治议题。
Meanwhile, the rising cost of housing has become a hot-button political issue in many cities. 此外,住房成本的不断上升,已经成为许多城市的一个热点政治问题。
American anxiety about the huge Chinese trade deficit with the US and the outsourcing of jobs has become a big political issue in Washington and will be a theme in the 2008 presidential election campaign. 美国人对美中巨额贸易赤字和工作外包的担心,已成为美国政府的一个巨大政治问题,并将成为2008年美国总统大选的一个主题。
The programme is not just a means to an end but also a totemic political issue. 该项目不仅仅是一种发展航空业的手段,而且还是一个有象征意义的政治问题。
If so, Romania's hottest political issue will become an international one. 如果这样的话,罗马尼亚的最热点的政治事件将变为国际政治热点。
The Stock Exchange is sensitive to likely political changes. This represents a sensitive political issue. 证券交易所对潜在的政治变化很敏感.这是一个敏感的政治问题。
Regional policy has become a hot political issue, particularly in the past decade. 宗教政策是政治热门话题,在过去十年尤为如此。
Debt reduction has become a hot political issue. 减少债务已成热点政治问题。
With the Middle East's water supplies so scarce, managing the resource has become a political issue. 由于中东地区的水资源供应如此紧缺,管理水资源已经成为了一个政治问题。
Another reason for the changing stance is the growing public debate over air pollution in China, where it has become a public health crisis as well as a political issue. 促使中国改变立场的另一个原因,是公众围绕中国空气污染问题展开日益激烈的争论,空气质量问题在中国已经演变成一场公共健康危机,也成了一个政治问题。